Saturday, June 16, 2012


"Friends to the end".....that's what we use to say when we were kids. How great it was to have that special playmate to share your thoughts, secrets and just to be there when you needed them. So many adventures and experiences shared by a friend who was always there when you called. I remember a particular friend who after being together in elementary and high school moved away. We even worked at the same company after attending business school. It was the saddest day of my life.

I had other friends but she and I shared a special bond. I always knew when she was having a bad day and I tried to cheer her up and she also made me laugh when things weren't going right. Especially when I broke up with my first boyfriend......crushed wasn't the one could say anything to me that would help. However, my true friend came through again, encouraging me and giving me hope that things would get better and that someday I would meet that "special someone". I remember when her Dad died, that was so hard on her as she was still in high school. I did all I could do just to cheer her up and help her through that hard time. We cried, laughed histerically and enjoyed each other's company. When she moved away we said we would always be in contact and we did for a while.......but time and places can change people and we eventually did drift apart.

I often think of her on days when things don't seem to be going right and I recall the days of our youth when we hadn't a care in the world. There was no tomorrow, only today. Yes, she was special, but she was right that "special someone" did come into my life and he and I have been married now for over 42years have three beautiful children and three wonderful and adorable grandsons. He is now my special friend, confidant and love of my life, but somehow I wish I still had contact with her so that I could tell her she was right and that I miss her from time to time.

Enjoy your friendships, value them - they are like gold! Keep in contact if you can. Write or call like there is no tomorrow, only today.

Impressions by Jackie "Nothing Leaves An Impression Like A Lasting One"...

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